a Risk Management & Insurance Knowledge Bot,
powered by Natural Language Processing.

What is

AlliBot is built exclusively for the Risk and Insurance professional. AlliBot is a knowledge bot that is populated with the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance’s industry-renowned curriculum and publications.

AlliBot also has access to the most used ISO forms which are not available on the world wide web, and therefore, not accessible to AI technology like ChatGPT.

Screenshot of asking ChatGPT if it has access to ISO Insurance Coverage Forms.

Risk & Insurance Education Alliance Academic Directors are notified when a query response is below a 50% confidence threshold. After reviewing the query, the Academic Director will edit inaccurate responses or answers lacking sufficient detail for future similar prompts.

AlliBot Use Cases

Practical risk & Insurance
Knowledge at Your Fingertips.

Whether you’re burning the midnight oil prepping for designation exams or you need a quick brush-up on concepts real-time, AlliBot has your back.

Member-Only Access Beta:

Dedicated to our dues-paid designation and online-learning subscription holding community, AlliBot reaffirms our commitment to our participant's professional growth.

50+ Years of Expertise:

AlliBot was built from Risk & Insurance Education Alliance curriculum and reviewed by our team of Academic Directors.

Exclusive Content:

With access to the most used ISO forms off-limits to other AI technologies, AlliBot brings unparalleled knowledge to the table.

AlliBot is exclusively available to dues-paid members of the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance reaffirming the organization’s commitment to supporting the ongoing professional development and success of its members. 

Future versions of AlliBot may be made available to the entire risk & insurance industries.

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Check out our FAQ page!