Staying in your comfort zone is easy. Only when we push our boundaries and what we are comfortable with, do we achieve amazing results. Join our guests as we cover the struggles and the challenges we cross on the path to making our dreams a reality. Sometimes we have to cross the bridge of chaos to get to become our true selves and leave our legacy behind. We have to fit in and stand out. We have to be ourselves and help others do the same. We have to be leaders and know when to follow. We have to make sure no one is left behind. Most importantly, we have to know when to move on and make sure we leave it better than we found it. Tune in to learn how!
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Jerald Tillman, Victoria Learned-Fenty, Gloria Ellis, Sam Cibulka (Butler GIS Student), Darren Bloomfield Darren Bloomfield Jerald Tillman, Victoria Learned-Fenty, Gloria Ellis
