Image of Doppler radar showing a hurricane and the words "Hurricane Preparedness Checklist"

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist


June marks the beginning of Hurricane Season, and for those living in hurricane-prone areas, it is crucial to be well-prepared for potential storms. To help you stay safe and ready, we’ve created a quick Hurricane Preparedness Checklist that covers essential aspects of storm readiness:

🚗 Evacuation plans & route: Make sure to inform your loved ones about your evacuation plans and establish a rendezvous location. In case of separation, having a designated meeting point can be crucial.

📞 Communication protocol: Set up a communication system with someone outside the affected area who can relay information and updates for you. Text messages and social media can also be useful for staying in touch with friends and family during emergencies.

🎒 Emergency supplies:  Assemble a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essential items such as medications, flashlights, batteries, matches, water (1 gallon per person per day), cash, non-perishable food, a manual can opener, a multi-purpose knife, blankets, toilet paper, and a change of clothes. These supplies will be helpful whether you evacuate or shelter in place.

🔋 Cell phone charging: Keep your cell phone charged and ensure you have a car charger or portable battery pack available. Communication is vital during emergencies, so maintaining a charged phone is essential.

By following this Hurricane Preparedness Checklist, you’ll be better equipped to face the challenges of hurricane season and ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Stay informed about weather updates and local emergency plans, and always prioritize safety during severe weather events.

Enhance your Crisis Management and Catastrophe knowledge by registering for our comprehensive courses: CRM Control of Risk Course and CISR Other Personal Lines Solutions courses. These courses are designed to provide you with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively manage crises and navigate clients through catastrophic events.

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